Strip Club Mastery - The Ultimate Strip Club Seduction Guide


     Let me ask you this:  What if this knowledge helps you get just ONE night with an exciting and hot stripper?  Just ONE.  What would that be worth to you?

     Now ask yourself:  What if there's even a chance that this book can actually teach you how to get one stripper after another?  How much would that be worth to you?  A thousand dollars?  Ten thousand?  More?  For most men I know, it would be priceless.

     Even better, this is the new SECOND EDITION of Strip Club Mastery, and it includes over 20% more BRAND-NEW material, including extensive and detailed footnotes on each page, using REAL-LIFE examples and scenarios, that help clarify and deepen your understanding and ultimate mastery of the material contained in this new edition.

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     Order right now and you'll receive Advanced Strip Club Seduction as an ADDITIONAL BONUS!  In this EXCLUSIVE weekly e-zine, I focus on answering questions from my readers who want to deepen their understanding of strip club game.  I give advice and make recommendations for dealing with specific scenarios and handling ANY issues you may have.  I also use this e-zine to release my latest revelations from my own strip club experiences and from lessons I learn from readers who share their experiences with me.

     Each issue is essentially a FREE additional chapter to Strip Club Mastery, by which your understanding of strip club seduction will continue to evolve long after you've read the book.  Your purchase will become an investment that will grow in both size and value the longer you own it!

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"I get so much play from strippers... ...people think I own the club!"

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     The whole process takes just a few minutes and you'll be reading your book in about 5 minutes.  When you get the book, scan it a couple times and read the parts that jump out at you right away - then go back and read it cover to cover.  Next, read the bonus sheet and try some of the techniques.  You'll notice a difference right away, and it will encourage you to try some of the other ideas.  Whatever happens, you'll use this reference library constantly as you're learning how to master strip club seduction.

If you have any questions about this ebook package, just email me at:

Wishing you success in the strip club,

     Be one of the first people to order Strip Club Mastery: The Ultimate Guide to Stripper Seduction & VIP Status at the SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE and you'll receive The Strip Club Master's Cheat Sheet as a FREE bonus!  This two-sided, 8.5" x 11" sheet of magic paper has been the key to my success while in the club and in the middle of my game.

     Contained on this cheat sheet is a collection of the most effective openers, conversation starters, disqualifications, ball-breakers, shit-test comebacks, and interesting story reminders I've developed during my extensive experience seducing strippers night after night and earning VIP status across the globe.  This cheat sheet is written in font size 6... so the writing is tiny... and every inch is JAM-PACKED with solid inner and outer game tactics and techniques... all at your fingertips!

     Print out this DOUBLE-SIDED cheat sheet, fold it up, stick it in your back pocket, and refer to it whenever you have a private moment to quickly diagnose and assess all possible situations and get the appropriate response with flawless timing and effectiveness.  This cheat sheet is an invaluable tool that I have fought to keep safe from the wrong people for all these years.  Initially, I wasn't going to share it with anyone, but instead, I've decided to share it with a limited group of lucky people who can use it to experience success in strip clubs.

PLUS: My Exclusive Strip Club Seduction E-zine

P.S. - Every tip, strategy, and technique that I share with you in this book is a PROVEN winner.  I use every one of them personally in real-world situations, and I know that they can work for you, too.  Remember, you have a 100% satisfaction guarantee - if you're not happy, YOU DON'T PAY.  This is truly a 100% risk-free offer.

     This is possibly the most important investment you'll ever make in your dating life.  I assure you that you'll be able to use the things that you'll learn in my ebook to have amazing experiences with strippers inside (and outside) the club.  This book may have the one exact piece of advice you need, but I want you to be absolutely sure about it, that's why I'M GOING TO OFFER IT RISK FREE until you've had a chance to read it and see for yourself with your own eyes what it can do for you.

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     I truly want to help you become successful in the strip club game and have amazing VIP experiences with strippers.  I get emails every day from guys who are using these materials to DRAMATICALLY increase their success in the strip club scene, and I want to help you, too.

     Click this button to download Strip Club Mastery for your 60-day risk free trial.

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Preview Chapter #2:  The 21 Rules of Strip Club Mastery

​Preview Chapter #3:  The 10 Motivations of a Stripper

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Quotes From Strip Club Mastery Readers...

*  "you[r] writing is really captivating. Well done" - @garutch on Twitter

*  "the book['s] pretty good i must say" - @TatendaN_900 on Twitter

*  "I want this book!" - @CCs_Bristol on Twitter

*  "Great book for guys to boost sex appeal & confidence around women. Loving it! Best read in ages" - @paullifefit on Twitter

*  "Gonna pick up your book pretty soon and see if I can learn anything new." - @CalgaryBachelor on Twitter

*  "I've been hanging out in clubs all over the world for the last 25 years and probably have broken every one of your rules and paid for a couple of houses along the way.  Needed a new game plan.  Cheers!" - Brad S. via email

*  "I haven't quite finished the book yet, but already I have improved my game in certain high-traffic women's areas such as the gym and cafes/restaurants.  I have a lot of the main qualities you ran through from being a personal trainer and a high-caliber woman fan for many years now.  However, slowing down my movements and only committing my attention to women in the appropriate amounts is working like a charm!  I feel sexier, smarter, and more........ME than ever before.  I feel great when I combine great posture, alpha-male openness when I'm seated and then this slowing down technique where you feel more like a cat/tiger and present myself with more grace I can feel the changes already and it just make me feel cool as F***!

So, I wanted to say - Thank You!  The work you have done and written down is excellent and lends itself to other areas of life/social scenes and I thought you might like to hear that feedback from someone.  I'm looking forward to reading more information from you in the coming weeks as it's perfect for me. - Paul E. via email

*  "just finished your book, man. Good stuff, unique perspective. I took extensive notes and will be taking down my first club soon!" - @Tyler_Vin on Twitter

*  "Great reading and really makes one think" - @boomerang_bella on Twitter

*  [Check back for more quotes from readers.]

*  [Mention #StripClubMastery or @strodiggs on Twitter and see your quote here!]

     Have you ever been to a strip club and noticed that some guys seem to get all the attention from the strippers?  If you're like most men, you probably assume that these guys are spending a lot of money, offering illicit drugs, or are some kind of "alpha males" that you either can't or don't want to compete with.

     What if I told you that this was an illusion... a MIRAGE to help separate you from your money?

     Nothing in a strip club is as it appears... don't be fooled!

     Sure, there will always be the guy who throws money around strip clubs and dominates the strippers' time (after all, it's their job to take their money), but do you think these guys are actually going home with them and having any kind of sexual relations with them?

     Hell no, they aren't!

     If you think all it takes is deep pockets and good looks to attract strippers then prepare to have your mind blown...

     I'm going to show you a simple and flawless way to walk into any strip club in the world and pull any stripper you want, night after night, without spending ANY of your hard-earned money.  I'm going to show you how to be the guy who DOES go home with strippers and experiences the thrill and validation of being chosen by women who have a vast selection of men to choose from.

     But, it gets WAY better than that...

     I'm going to show you how to get the hottest strippers to come over to your place, night after night, without you even having to go into the club anymore!

     But, before I get too far ahead, let me to introduce myself.

     My name is Stro Diggs (Twitter), but most people just call me Stro, or Diggs (PUA Forum).  I've spent a ridiculous amount of time in strip clubs over the last 15 years.  I know just about everything there is to know about how strip clubs operate.  I know the who, what, where, when, and why of the strip club game.

     I can get VIP status (or its equivalent) at strip clubs in days and weeks, instead of months and years, and I can do it without spending hardly any money at all.

     I've been to strip clubs all around the globe and I've learned the ONE weakness they all have.

     They can all be played using simple social and psychological tactics that ANYONE can learn.

     But, there's a catch!

     Strip clubs are designed and operated to give the clubs, dancers, and staff an unfair advantage over the customers who walk in the door.  Much like a casino, the odds are stacked against you.

     Here's where I come in...

     I've been in the middle of the strip club game for so long that I'm willing to bet that I can teach you how to master it just like me.  It doesn't matter what you look like or how much money you spend in the club. (Actually, spending a lot of money in the club makes it HARDER to seduce strippers, but more on that later.)

     It's all about having the right attitude and working a solid game plan!

     Over the years I have developed and perfected word-for-word lines and routines that I use over and over again to pull strippers out of the club and into the bedroom with minimal effort.  I have perfected them through rigorous testing and tweaking, finally reducing them to their purest form, and made them incredibly easy to learn. 

     I have helped many men experience some of the best nights of their lives in strip clubs.  After compiling all of my strip club secrets, advice, tips, tactics, and techniques into an informative ebook, I am making it available online for the first time. 

     Take a look inside my book and see why it's the ultimate guide to stripper seduction and VIP status...

​"Here are Some of the Secrets You'll Learn"

​Here's a sample of some of the great things you'll learn:

     *  How to breeze through the FOUR levels of strip club mastery quickly - pg. 16

     *  The ONE thing you must do to get VIP status fast - pg. 17

     *  How to use Hive Theory to master strip club social engineering - pg. 21

     *  What ONE thing will elevate your social status the second you walk in the door - pg. 23

     *  How to project the frame of mind of a strip club master effortlessly - pg. 25

     *  How to avoid making the BIGGEST rookie mistake men make in strip clubs - pg. 27

     *  How to immediately acquire the personality traits of a strip club master - pg. 29

     *  How to use your body language to send all the right signals - pg. 31

     *  How to use eye-contact to silently seduce ANY stripper - pg. 33

     *  How to command respect from using ONE simple gesture - pg. 35

     *  How to tweak your personal style to ensure success with strippers - pg. 37

     *  How to use your VIBE to demonstrate that YOU are the life of the party - pg. 40

     *  What FOUR items of gear you MUST have with you in a strip club - pg. 42

     *  How to GUARANTEE you say all the right things at exactly the right time - pg. 48

     *  What ONE high-status gesture can prove that you are VIP material - pg. 49

     *  How to quickly demonstrate an interesting and attractive personality  - pg. 52

     *  What SIMPLE words will attract and keep the interest of ANY stripper - pg. 54

     *  How doing ONE thing will make strippers think you genuinely care about them - pg. 55

     *  How to use the TEN motivations of a stripper to your advantage - pg. 59

     *  The number ONE rule of strip club mastery that you must NEVER break - pg. 75

     *  What to do to a stripper to make her positively remember you FOREVER - pg. 77

     *  What TWO things you must NEVER do in a strip club - pg. 79

     *  The SEVENTEEN routine lines that will make strippers instantly love you - pg. 90

     *  How saying FIVE things will demonstrate that you are a worthy challenge - pg. 96

     *  Where you should sit in a strip club to ensure you get all the RIGHT attention - pg. 102

     *  The ONE thing you should make strippers do BEFORE you talk to them - pg. 103

     *  What day and time you should show up to the club - pg. 106

     *  How to IMMEDIATELY improve your game to guarantee success - pg. 110

     *  How to get VIP status at ANY club fast - pg. 113

     *  How to make the TEN strip club secrets work FOR you, instead of against you - pg. 115

     *  The SECRET person in a strip club that you MUST know about - pg. 116

     *  How to turn bouncers into YOUR personal bodyguards - pg. 120

     *  How to get bartenders to serve you FIRST and not charge you ANYTHING - pg. 121

     *  How to make your biggest threat a pawn in your game - pg. 127

     *  How to manage your new lifestyle and stay at the top of your game - pg. 133

     *  And much, much, much more...

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