Magneto: Laws of Attraction Course - Mind Force AttractionMind Force Attraction


Have you ever considered this…

You’ll See How a College Drop-Out From Hamilton, New Jersey Created The Easiest and Quickest Way to Get The Law of Attraction To Work For You In Just 90 Days!

This Information Has Been Secretly Handed Down From Generation to Generation, Now It Can Be Yours

This Could Be Your Chance…Grab it!

From: A. Thomas Perhacs Wednesday, 9:35 am

Do you want more out of life and get the things your missing right now?

There is a Secret! And that secret (actually secrets, because I don’t leave any stone unturned) is contained in my fully updated Law of Attraction System, Entitled Mind Force Attraction, The Magneto Method

Ok, let me back up and give you a little history.

Let me introduce myself, my name is A.Thomas Perhacs and I have spent years developing some of the finest products, and courses of instruction on very unique topics. My goal has always been to over deliver and give people what they want…Cutting edge information that can’t be gotten just anywhere…

I am the creator of the world famous “MIND FORCE TRAINING SYSTEM” and author of the best selling book on Hypnosis, Manipulation, The Master Secrets of Covert Persuasion & Hypnotic Influence. I’ve also trained people in many esoteric energy skills through my Chi Power Training courses. In a nutshell, I know what I’m talking about.

The Mind Force Library of Esoteric Manuals

My only problem was that I didn’t have the time to re work the entire system

I took my own advice and disciplined myself to sit down and compile all the missing parts and create a high velocity system of tools you’ll absolutely love!

So over the years, I have trained literally thousands from every corner of the world to use these methods of attraction, hypnosis, meditation, and some pretty sneaky psychic awareness methods as well…

The fact of the matter is that you can have anything you want in life if you have the belief you can get it done. When I take on a new coaching or mentoring client, my main goal is for them to believe in concepts that maybe they have a hard time accepting at first.

Once someone begins to understand how the true “LAWS OF ATTRACTION” really work, it is like the seas part or clouds open up for them.

They begin to see the possibilities of “WHAT CAN BE”. And not only What Can Be, but WHAT CAN BE FOR YOU!

A lot of people who I have spoken to over the years, have seen me as kind of a mentor or coach in the development of their skills and attributes. I never intended to start out this way. I just took some ideas and shared them with my friends who I knew could use the methods for their own lives…I was reluctant to teach this on a wide scale, I wasn’t a PHD or nationally known author, I was just a guy trying to make life work…

The thing is, I have been able to help alot of people, and I am greatful for that, but it wasn’t always that way.

I was even so desperate that one time, I lied on my resume to get a job thinking they would never check my references….And they did.

Here I was, 27 years old without a job, the company that just offered me the job had to tell me they couldn’t hire me because I lied on my resume…

They Said The College I Had on The Application Never Heard of Me!

Talk about humiliation…

We had no money…I mean none. My wife quit her job because I told her I had this new super fancy job and that she didn’t need to work anymore…We were worse than broke…it seemed like all was lost…

We were so bad off, the church took up a special collection to help us pay our rent (remember this, because this is the first time I ever used the concept of attraction)…

I would like to say everything since then has been a piece of cake, but lets be honest…Life can be brutal…

I knew I had to do something to change my situation, but I didn’t know how…I started to read every kind of self-help book, and listen to every tape I could get my hands on…

I started to piece things together. I started to associate with individuals who could mentor me and show me where my mental focus needed to be. I was so hungry, I would drive anywhere at anytime to learn a tid-bit here, an idea there.

Then I Met The Person That Changed My Life…

I met a person who had trained in some really esoteric martial arts overseas, and was willing to teach them to me. These arts not only were fighting systems, but the internal training that is talked about in whispers…

This training was what I was looking for, but I got so much more…

You see I learned how to discipline my mind and body and create a reference point for what success meant to me. That one instructor lead me to another instructor, then another, and another, and yet even more high powered dudes that could help me to really realize my potential…That is the essence of how I began and continue what I like to call my “MIND FORCE TRAINING”.

I picked up little pieces here and there and started to put them into use. For example.

Once I Started To Use These Concepts I got amazing results in all areas of my life.

Life Can Change On a Dime Either Good or Bad…

Sounds amazing considering the rough start doesn’t it…It’s all true, my wife can attest to that fact. I’m actually amazed she’s stayed with me after all I have put her through over the years, but she’s a trooper…

So what does this mean to you?

it means I am confident that I can offer you the secrets myself and others have used over the years to literally attract whatever we want, when we want it…

It’s easier than you think, but you must use the correct methodologies to get it to work effectively…If you don’t use the correct sequence, it could have the exact opposite of the hoped for effect!

I have laid out for you in my new Mind Force Law of Attraction course, the exact methods used to harness the full and complete power of your mind to attract the desires of your heart…

I have put in years of learning and struggle to hone these methods down to a science. A science so powerful, you really need to experience to believe it… In fact when I first learned these methods, I only taught them to a handful of people for fear I might actually wreck my good karma…

Do you know what I learned?

You always get more, when you give more…

How to Change Your Life Forever With The Amazing Strategies of Mind Force Attraction

What if you could just think about an outcome and make it happen?

“Does that sound incredible? It should, unless you’re pulse is flat lining……Do you want me to teach you how to do it NOW!”

Sure. Get what you want, when you want it, but even better than that……..GET IT NOW!

It’s the Law of ATTRACTION. It’s immutable.

Imagine, Being able to attract Money, Health, Power, Romance, Anything you want & Doing It In Your Mind, Even While You Sleep

What is it that you desire?

The question is do you have what it takes to make it happen?

Focus is the Key. Once You learn how to focus on what you want, you can get it……..The funny thing is no one ever explains how to focus properly to insure you get what you want, when you want it, every time, all the time……. In these powerful MP3s/CDs, I show you exactly how myself and others do it all the time……..

Believe………..It can happen for you too……

Allow me to introduce you to a technology that can absolutely change your life……

Hey, I know what your thinking, everyone says that!

FORMAT: Instant PDF Access

This is the real deal…This is the manual that people have been talking about for years. I had this on the market before any of the audios were even considered. These notes are some of the most powerful guidlines for the manifestation and attraction process you will ever see anywhere…

And That’s Not All…When You Get This Course Today, I Am Giving You Access to My Two Other Mind Force books: See below for details.

This manual by itself will allow you to get the tools you need to start attracting what you want most out of life.

Every page of this book contains secrets of the attraction process
Learn powerful affirmations you can use as you design your own game plan
Learn how to harness the power of your own personal “Mind Machine”
Many diffferent techniques to learn manifesting and attracting what you want like a true magneto
Bonus section on “The Power of Definate Purpose”

Mind Force Attraction-Magneto Method MP3 Files
FORMAT: Instant  Access Audio
In These audio files, you will find the most detailed instruction ever on how to attract what you want. Several hours of instruction insures you the maximum instruction in these esoteric skills.
Audio Module #1 Includes
How to get your mind ready and prepared for the attraction Process
How to expertly design the proper affirmations and structure for your attraction practice
How to use vibrational energy- High level thought patterns included.
The “Triad” secret that virtually no one other than you will know.
The difference between the 7 Positive emotions and the 9 Negative ones. And how to stay on the positive side.

Audio Module #2 Includes

Advanced Mind Power Training
How to eliminate and control fears
How to dump the garbage of your mind for increased magnetic attraction
The amazing “Balloon Head” exercise and how you can get it to work every time you call upon it.
The 3 easy magnetic “Attraction Box” techniques and why you need to know them.


Video Training Module:
The “New” Power of Manifestation & Law of Attraction Bonus Video
FORMAT: Online Video, MP3 & PDF notes
This video was created especially for you. I took the most common questions my clients had and put on an amazing 45 minute video. I have gotten rave reviews from this when I allowed my special Mind Force Syndicate Membership preview this video just a few weeks ago…They absolutely loved the content.
Here’s what I’ll show you…

How you can attract anything you want with Mind Force Methods
How to use my “never fails” Creation on Demand Process
How to structure & begin the manifesting process
You’ll Learn the 3 Quadrants of Mental Manifestation
You’ll learn The 7 Step by step keys you need to know to make the attraction process happen in a big way.

Mind Force Attraction-Magneto Method MP3 Files

FORMAT: Instant  Access Audio

In These audio files, you will find the most detailed instruction ever on how to attract what you want. Several hours of instruction insures you the maximum instruction in these esoteric skills.

How to get your mind ready and prepared for the attraction Process
How to expertly design the proper affirmations and structure for your attraction practice
How to use vibrational energy- High level thought patterns included.
The “Triad” secret that virtually no one other than you will know.
The difference between the 7 Positive emotions and the 9 Negative ones. And how to stay on the positive side.

Audio Module #2 Includes

Advanced Mind Power Training
How to eliminate and control fears
How to dump the garbage of your mind for increased magnetic attraction
The amazing “Balloon Head” exercise and how you can get it to work every time you call upon it.
The 3 easy magnetic “Attraction Box” techniques and why you need to know them.


Video Training Module:
The “New” Power of Manifestation & Law of Attraction Bonus Video
FORMAT: Online Video, MP3 & PDF notes
This video was created especially for you. I took the most common questions my clients had and put on an amazing 45 minute video. I have gotten rave reviews from this when I allowed my special Mind Force Syndicate Membership preview this video just a few weeks ago…They absolutely loved the content.
Here’s what I’ll show you…

How you can attract anything you want with Mind Force Methods
How to use my “never fails” Creation on Demand Process
How to structure & begin the manifesting process
You’ll Learn the 3 Quadrants of Mental Manifestation
You’ll learn The 7 Step by step keys you need to know to make the attraction process happen in a big way.

The “New” Power of Manifestation & Law of Attraction Bonus Video

FORMAT: Online Video, MP3 & PDF notes

This video was created especially for you. I took the most common questions my clients had and put on an amazing 45 minute video. I have gotten rave reviews from this when I allowed my special Mind Force Syndicate Membership preview this video just a few weeks ago…They absolutely loved the content.

Here’s what I’ll show you…

Goal Getting SystemFORMAT: Instant Access PDF Report

This is my super ninja report on how to set your goals and then get them like magic…

Once I learned this method, I knew the sky was the limit. Now it is the same for you…

Common sense approach, above common results will result.

Goal Getting System NotesFORMAT:Instant Access PDF Report

Now you’ll have a blueprint in which to set your goals. Once you do that, you can then use your attraction skills to make those goals a reality…

The Art & Science of Personal MagnetismFORMAT: Instant Access PDF Report

This timeless treasure shares an eye opening account of how you can use your magnetic energies to get the attraction process pumped up even more…

This book is a key to your development and is worth a fortune to you if you apply its principles.

Remember “Mind Force Attraction, The Magneto Method” is NOT sold in any store. You can only get it online.

This information is far too rare and valuable to be carried by any retail store. “Magneto” is ONLY available direct from me here on this website. We don’t want this info in the public, that is the entire point. That’s what gives us and our customers such an unfair advantage over our competitors.

I am so sure of your success with this program I guarantee it…

If for ANY reason you are not completely satisfied with “Mind Force Attraction, The Magneto Method” even I you don’t like the color of the cover or the roughness of my voice on the recordings just send me a personal email at the end of 60 days for a full, prompt refund and I will insist you keep all my bonus gifts for you FREE just for giving “Mind Force Attraction, The Magneto Method” an honest evaluation. Fair enough? There’s more…

The good news for you as a beta tester is you will get to ask questions and offer feedback that will be used to shape the final version months before it hits the market.

Because of the rarity and value of the information inside “Mind Force Attraction, The Magneto Method” and because of the benefits and unfair advantage that it gives to my few clients that have it. I must insist that you agree to full confidentiality and non-disclosure or the information. This is NOT negotiable and you cannot access “Mind Force Attraction, The Magneto Method” at any price without agreeing to this one condition.

YES, I agree to not share any of the proprietary information from “Mind Force Attraction, The Magneto Method” with anyone other than my employees or immediate family members. I realize that this is sensitive information and a big part of what makes it work is it’s limited availability. I promise to keep your secrets. Please let me in.

I fully understand I get everything promised and exactly what I need to start attracting my desires.

I also understand I will be getting the following: Keep in mind that this is a  Digital Download version, you will not have anything shipped to you, but everything will be in digital download format.

Mind Force Attraction in Digital Format for Immediate Download 

P.S. I Admit This May Not Be For You

Life is a series of choices. I realize that not everyone will completely understand the power of my system. You may not be able to afford it or their might be some reason you truly think that you can’t follow the simple step-by-step instructions inside. That’s OK

Like my father used to say “Spit in one hand and wish in the other and see which one gets filled up faster” . If you only wish this would work, this is not for you, but if you have a burning desire to make a change in your life, then this could very well be exactly what you have been searching for.

Will you create your own future, be in charge of your destiny and rise to the top or will you be like everyone else in the middle? It’s 100% up to you.

P.P.S. If you’re a little afraid, don’t worry…that’s a good thing.

Think back on everything you’ve done that was truly worthwhile in your life. I’m talking about things like: asking that special someone on a date … learning to swim ..showing up for the first day of school … getting married … buying your first home … having a child.

What do all these things have in common?

Now think about your normal daily activities…things like: reading … watching TV … even attending a seminar … I think you’ll agree that none of them are all that scary. In fact, they’re probably downright comfortable!

But I want you to ask yourself, “Where have these activities got me so far?”

My guess is you won’t like the answer.

That’s why my advice is that you follow your fear…

P.P.P.S. I Eat Steak Either Way

Here is the cold hard truth. I eat steak tonight no matter what choice you make. Let me explain. In the grand scheme of things my financial position will not be effected much by your decision to acquire my system.

However, your choice will have a HUGE impact on your future. This is really all about you and your dreams. Bottom line, it’s guaranteed and you can’t possible lose. Claim your copy today

This Training Is Real and So Am I

P.P.P.S. Just so you know, I’m a real person and I really do have multiple online businesses. Here is my personal and company information just to prove it to you. I WANT to hear from you. I want to be your friend.


CALL MY CELL 609-638-8850

Velocity Group PublishingPO Box 9516Hamilton, NJ 08650

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