Goal Setting Formula


Let me ask you a few questions…

If you are the kind of person who loves to discover easy, simple and super-fast shortcuts to achieve anything you want in your life… then this will be the most electrifying and exciting page you’ve ever read.

Because you are about to find out one of the precious formulas that you can use to transform your life into a super achiever and achieve basically any dreams and goals you want in your life.

The well-known martial artist and movie star Bruce Lee became supreme exponent of martial arts and was once the master of masters in kung fu.

Through a short but explosive film career he made the world aware of Chinese martial arts and he then became one of the highest paid movie stars in the world. For Bruce Lee to become successful he had to overcome incredible obstacles.

As you know, he had to overcome the obstacles of being the first Chinese movie star in the West. There was a lot of prejudice towards the Chinese so this was a huge challenge…

However, Bruce overcome all the obstacles and he even used his martial arts as a medium to unite the eastern and western culture and bring down the racial barriers at that time.

In Planet Hollywood in New York City, there is a letter hanging on the wall that Bruce Lee wrote to himself many years before he was successful.

The letter is stamped and is dated January 9, 1970. Bruce wrote on this letter clearly what his goal was to be. It said:

Bruce Lee achieved his goal and he became a mega superstar and attained huge wealth well beyond the goal he set.

The formula that Bruce Lee used is called “Goal Setting” and many other successful people like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Napoleon Hill, Donald Trump, Brian Tracy, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Anthony Robbins, etc, etc, etc.

So how did all these successful people achieve so much in their life? The answer is plain and simple…

“The people that achieve things in life have a clear vision of what they want, a clear plan of how they are going to get there, and the ability to follow this through to completion.”

You may know Tony Robbins as the world's #1 success coach, you've probably read 1 or 2 of his books (remember Unlimited Power?), and perhaps, you may have also attended his life-changing seminars.

However, that was not how Tony Robbins started.

He once considered himself a failure. He was almost 40 pounds over-weight. He was physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially “broke.” And he was living in a small studio apartment where he had to wash the dishes in the bathtub because there was no kitchen.

And like most people, Tony Robbins wanted to make a change. He wanted out. That’s not the kind of life he had signed up for.

On a day when he was traveling on train throughout Russia, Tony did one thing that completely change his life forever.

He spent hours on the train from Moscow to Siberia and back to Leningrad. With nothing to write on but the back of an old Russian map, he wrote down all the goals and the success he desired in life.

Tony told this story in his best-selling book, Awaken The Giant Within:

“Eight years ago, in 1983, I did an exercise that created a future so compelling that my whole life changed as a result. As part of the overall process of raising my standards, I established a whole new set of goals, writing down all the things I would no longer settle for, as well as what I was committed to having in my life. I set aside all my limiting beliefs and sat down on the beach with my journal.

I wrote continuously for three hours, brainstorming every possibility of what I could ever imagine doing, being, having, creating, experiencing, or contributing. The time line I gave myself for achieving these goals was any time from tomorrow to the next twenty years. I never stopped to think whether I could actually achieve these goals or not. I simply captured any possibility that inspired me, and wrote it down.”

Tony Robbins transformed his life around and became one of the most sought-after success coaches in the world. Today, his name is often associated with success and motivation.

So now you might ask, if all of these are so easy, why don’t everyone achieve what they want in their life?

Why aren't more people living the life of their dreams? Why doesn't everyone have the perfect career, home, body and relationship?

The reason is that there is more to goal setting and goal achievement. Goal setting is not just a wishful thinking. You can’t just sit down for 3 minutes and write down what you want to achieve in your life, and hope that everything will come true the next day after you woke up.

There is a formula that you need to go through, a short series of steps that takes you from where you are to where you want to be. Providing you go through that process, in the right order, there is little that you cannot achieve.

Perhaps, Brian Tracy said it best:

The problem is that most people don’t know how to access the right numbers in the right order. Heck, they don’t even know there’s a lock to success in the first place.

First, most people don’t know what they want to achieve out their lives. They have dreams or very general wishes like “I want to be happy”, “I want to be rich”, or “I want to live a good life”. But that’s all they got.

Next, even if they have clearer goals and they know what they want in life, they will still fail because they don’t understand how things work.

Success starts from within you. You can have all the dreams you want and you have all your goals, but if you don’t learn how to master the inner game, you will never materialize and accomplish your goals.

Finally, the process of achieving your goals is not an easy path. You’ll have to go through a lot of ups and downs, you’ll face plenty of bumps and roadblocks, and only if you learn how to overcome these obstacles, you will never achieve your goals.

Despite being told that you need to have clarity and find a vision in life, you just don't know what it is that you want to achieve out of your life.

You know what, life should be full of zest and you're supposed to live with passion. But you just find it hard to come up with motivation and the drive to aim for a better life.

You know you need to have goals and you set them, but that's all you do. At the end of the day, you're still not making progress and you're repeating your living your last year, this year.

You deserve to achieve much more, to experience much more, and to enjoy success much more in life.

This is one of the most common frustrations most people have. They spend time dreaming about living rich and becoming financially successful, they imagined themselves traveling first-class, driving a Lamborghini, race camels in the Egypt, and sipping a cold fruit cocktail on the Bahamas beach. But none of that comes true.

Truth be told, nothing changes if you don't change anything.

Meaning, if you want to achieve all your goals, live the dream life that you have longed for - financially, physically, emotionally - you need to do something DIFFERENT than what you've been already doing.

My friend, if you keep on doing what you’re doing, you’ll get the same old results that have gotten exactly where you are right now.

And if you’re not satisfied with your current states and the life, or if you desire for something better, something good, something more exciting, then you’ve got to do something different.

Goal Setting Formula is the masterclass I created where I share the highly effective step-by-step method of how anyone can set and achieve their goals, so you don't have to crack your head to search for the secret of achievement anymore.

Here's one thing you need to understand - Goal Setting Formula is not your ordinary course where you learn just the theories. It is a complete masterclass where I cover how you can master your inner self, set your goals, and also how you can build supporting 'pillars' to make sure you follow through and actually achieve your goals.

Not only that, I also share the action and goal setting templates that you can use to immediately produce significant results.

According to a study done by Scranton University...

“97% of people who set goals fail to achieve them, so what do the other 3% do to guarantee their success…?"

My friend, please understand that goal setting is a skill. And in order to get better at a skill, what do you need to do?

You practice it deliberately on a regular basis. Remember, you can train yourself to become a super-achiever to accomplish all the goals that you set.

"If someone were to ask me which course is worth getting to help you becoming a successful person, my answer would undoubtedly be - Shawn Lim's Goal Setting Formula.

This course has given me a clear picture on why goal setting is important, how to set goals and what should I do after I have set the goals.

Guess what? After finish reading his course, I became motivated and dare to dream big. I realized that goal setting is mandatory if you want to be successful in life. Truly amazed at how inspired I could be in just a short time!

I am so glad that I have this course as a guide to my brighter tomorrow. Thank you very much Shawn, for such a lovely, clear, concise and highly motivational course."

Anabelle Lim - A University Student

"I just finished your excellent program, Goal Setting Formula. I have to say I really liked it and went through it all until I finished it. I went through the program from beginning to end in one sitting, step by step, as I thought about my goals.

What I loved about the program was its simplicity, in language and presentation, making it  easy to follow and understand.

I highly recommend it to anyone who seriously wants to move ahead in life. Thank you, Shawn."

Having the right tools are important to your success. And when you enroll yourself in this masterclass, you will be given the goal setting templates I personally used and also worksheets you can use to unleash your maximum potential.

The best part is that I’m including these tools for every student of this course. Yes, it is free, without any charges.

I understand that sometimes it can be difficult to design your own goals templates and worksheets. And sometimes you just want to make it looks so nice that you spend hours into doing this.

Plus, one of the most common reasons people are not writing down their goals because they find it inconvenient. They don’t have the right tools. And they don’t know how to do it.

You will discover all the answers in this course. 🙂

"From someone who learned about goal setting and success the hard way I can tell you that Shawn Lim outlines a great way to get going with your plans and start living life to the fullest.

Anyone who go through this course will move on with a clearer head about their goals."

Your No-Brainer 100% Money-Back Guarantee:

I’m not crazy, however I want you to understand that Goal Setting Formula is a full-proof system that I have spent thousands of hours to develop. Many have joined the masterclass and your satisfaction is extremely important to me.

And this is why I’m giving you a 60-day (More than 8 weeks!) refund period, in case if you don’t like the course.

And if you think that my Goal Setting Formula masterclass does not help you in your journey to success, I don’t want your money. I’ll gladly return every single cent you invest here with no questions asked!

Get the lifetime access and free updates to the Goal Setting Formula masterclass today.

I regularly check the course for updates and if there's anything I can add or improve so that you can make the most out of it. You will have the most up-to-date information and strategies for lifetime.

One more thing, I’ve been in this field for over a decade. And I’m also actively running a community for years. This means that I’m here to stay. When you enroll in the course, you will also be given exclusive content to achieve greater personal success whenever I see fit.

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1) You could leave this page and continue with your life. This way, nothing changes, and I highly believe that you're going to live your life the same way and at the end of the day, fail at your goals.

2) You could join me in this masterclass and learn the most about self-growth. Once you unleash your inner potential, you can achieve massive success within months from now.

You don’t have to repeat your last year this year. Make a change. This is the best time for you to decide and to transform your life.

You have to understand this:

“Your dreams, your goals, and the success you want won’t work, unless you work on them.”

And I’m providing you the formula to make it all work.

Are you going to let this opportunity slips and continue with what you do every day with no significant improvement in life, or are you going to take the shot and make it worth your while?

"What would you expect from this course? That's the first thing came across my mind, but after learning it, it is giving me a crystal clear view about goal setting.

Why we need to set our goal? For me if you do not set any goal in your life yet and I am pretty sure you shall live your life the same before.

I can tell you that this is not the an ordinary goal setting course. Shawn will guide you step-by-step to setting up your goal. Grab this Goal Setting Formula.

So my advice to you, for those who seeking a success in his or her life and dare to be extraordinary people, take your first action by getting this course and you would be thankful to Shawn by making this program."

Do you offer any guarantees or refunds?

Yes! Your satisfaction is important to me. if you don't think this masterclass is for you, you can take back your money for a full 60-day period. No questions asked.

How long do I have access to this masterclass?

The answer is forever! You will gain lifetime access to the course, which will also be updated with new information, strategies, and course materials.

What format is the masterclass delivered in?

The main content of this masterclass is delivered in video presentations. There are also resources like goal setting templates and other worksheets to help you along the way. You'll be well covered after the course.

Could I just find the content in this masterclass elsewhere for free?

You can find almost anything online these days, but that doesn't everything you discovered is going to be helpful. I've compiled the masterclass in such a way that helps you understand the real framework of goal setting and how you can achieve what you want in life. Some of the techniques and information you're going to learned are scientifically proven!

Is this course going to work for me?

I believe in action. You can read any books or attend any workshops or seminars, but if you're not going to apply what I'm going to share with you, nothing is going to work. By the way, you've got the 60 days guarantee, remember?

"It is true that one need to set goals, in fact it is of utmost importance if you have any intention of being successful in life. Taking the time to learn from this course has most definitely put me in the right prospective as to areas in which to set my goals after all most of us just think along the line of financial goals and not necessarily marking out a balance field, prioritizing, successful keys to goal setting, setting goals I love, as when you really love what you do you will give it your all.

I believe that one can truly inspire another and this course has done it for me. Thanks Shawn, every time I come up short of reaching my goals I will come back to this place to remind myself of the direction to take and the ways to go about it."

Hi there, I'm Shawn Lim. I'm also a blogger at StunningMotivation.com and I have been actively seeking and sharing the secrets of success and achievement for more than a decade.The idea of Goal Setting Formula was first incubated in 2008! Yes, more than 10 years ago. The course and content have gone through a lot of trial and error. And this year, I've updated the course and perfected it to help you even further.

Back when I first got involved with personal development. I often heard the guru said, "you need to have goals", but I have no idea what setting goals really mean. But I didn't give up and I didn't stop there. Armed with the passion I have for personal development, I embarked on a journey of never-ending learning.

Today, I've achieved most of my goals such as - becoming a full-time blogger who earns solely from the internet, work at flexible hours and from anywhere, I traveled overseas for vacation as much as 3 times a year, and I have also invested in real estate in my home country.

Since I have implemented and followed the strategies I share in this masterclass, I have elevated my life to a higher level. I've accomplished most of my goals and have been living a good life since then.

So, if you're feeling stuck, getting nowhere, producing no results, always fail at your goals, or you want to achieve much more in the coming years of your life, Goal Setting Formula is for you.

This masterclass has helped me and many others to achieve the success they desired in life, I believe it can do the same to you too. But, you must first choose to work on it.

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“It was only recently that I discovered goal setting. In a nutshell, it means setting a goal, writing it down and telling the whole world about it.

In the past, I did set goals, but I would do it only in my mind. In many cases, when the going got tough, I would compromise, or bargain with myself for a simpler goal, or conveniently "postpone" the goal for another time. Most of the time, the goal would not be fulfilled in its entirety. Sometimes, it never got fulfilled at all.

Now, when I set goals and tell people around me about it, my approach to the goal changed. I would be actively seeking for ways to achieve that goal, whether it is with the people I talk to, or the TV program I'm watching, or the article I'm reading. And I will take the initiative and go out there and do whatever needs to be done to achieve my stated goal.

In fact, when I'm in my "goal achieving" mode, it is as if every fiber of my being was tuned to getting my goal achieved. In everything that I say or do, I will be looking for ways of moving myself closer to my goal. It actually becomes very difficult to fail.

Goal setting works! With Goal Setting Formula, you will learn to set goals and adopt the right strategies to go about achieving your goals. It outlines a step-by-step guide so that achieving your goals has never been easier.”

David - Warrior Forum member

"I have gone through your course, Goal Setting Formula, to say the least I am impressed. I would like to call it a life changing guide to a goal setting break through.

It offers a step by step guide through the process and giving a more participative and practical approach which are very easy to understand and apply. I would like to recommend this course to any aspiring persons who are serious about goal setting and achievement. Thanks to Shawn Lim."

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